पुस्तक का विवरण (Description Of Book) :-
पुस्तक का नाम (Name of Book) | विश्व रंग | Vishwa Rang |
पुस्तक का लेखक (Name of Author) | संतोष चौबे / Santosh Choubey |
पुस्तक की भाषा (Language of Book) | हिंदी | Hindi |
पुस्तक का आकार (Size of Book) | 8.3 MB |
पुस्तक में कुल पृष्ठ (Total pages in Ebook) | 193 |
पुस्तक की श्रेणी (Category of Book) | जीवनी और आत्मकथाएँ / Biography and Autobiography, वैज्ञानिक / Scientist, बाल पुस्तक/Children Book, |
पुस्तक के कुछ अंश (Excerpts From The Book) :-
Kaal ke kaee parimaan, kaee maap hain . ek parimaan hai yug . samay ke kisee prasaar, kaal kee kisee avadhi ko yug – sangya yon hee nahin dee jaatee . yug – shabd ke uchchaaran se keval -maatr pal, ghadee ya praharon ka hee parigyaan nahin hota, varanch kisee any bhee vastu kee or dhyaan aakrsht hota hai . yug kee ganana kisee aadhaar ke anusaar hotee hai . aalamb roop se grheet vastu , pahale to , saarvabhaumik ya saarvalaukik hotee hai, yadi aisee visheshata na bhee liye ho , kam se kam sabhy samaaj mein upasthit ya vyaapt aavashy rahatee hai .
Description In English
Time has many magnitudes, many measurements. One dimension is epoch. Any extension of time, any period of time is not given the name of Yuga. By the utterance of the word Yuga, not only the moment, the clock or the watch is known, but the attention is attracted towards any other thing. Yuga is calculated according to some basis. A supposedly accepted thing is, first of all, universal or universal, if not possessing such a characteristic, it must be present or pervasive at least in a civilized society.
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